Children of Men’s most consistent feature is the compressed creamy highlights. Be it a high contrast bloom, a shadowy afternoon, or mid day out in the open, the sky and highlights ride very low with no piercing speculars. This ties together war torn chaos and pleasant reprieves under one umbrella of oppressive smog.

Children of Men (2006) – Digital Colorist Steven J. Scott
2K D.I. from 35 mm (Kodak Vision2 Expression 500T 5229)

Children of Men (2006) – Digital Colorist Steven J. Scott
2K D.I. from 35 mm (Kodak Vision2 Expression 500T 5229)

Children of Men (2006) – Digital Colorist Steven J. Scott
2K D.I. from 35 mm (Kodak Vision2 Expression 500T 5229)